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December Whitetail Property Checklist:

  • Study Last Year’s Pictures: Bucks continue to shift throughout the season, and the one who showed up last year at this time might likely do it again.

  • Focus on Evening Hunts: Hunt the food, or routes to the food, but be sure to have secure access and don't wear out the set.

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December Whitetail Property Checklist

  • Hunt the 2nd Rut: While most does were bred the first time around, bucks will be looking again about a month later for any that didn't. Be on the lookout for chasing, and consider hanging out on your best travel routes to intercept your target buck.

  • Doe Management: These are fun hunts (kids and new hunters) and critical to herd ratios depending on your region.

  • Take a Moment For Reflection: What made your season a success or a bust? This may help you choose what to do next year to repeat or rebound.

  • Even if your buck tag is filled, resist the urge to scout and do invasive habitat work until all firearm seasons are done. It is not worth risking sending those deer to the hunter next door.

  • Go Scouting Once the Coast is Clear: This is the best time to see sign that is relevant to the hunting season. Target bedding and travel routes to see how they are being used. Keep notes to help make sense of it later.

  • Organize Your To-Do List: Go stand by stand or area by area to detail all the work you want done.

  • Layout Corridors and Bedding Areas: While this can also be done throughout the winter, it goes hand in hand with scouting if you already have a habitat plan.

  • It’s not too early for timber cuttings (TSI, bedding, corridors, shooting lanes) and if you don’t have snow yet can be a good time to move quickly and safely in the woods.

  • Tree Orders: get 'em in before someone else does. The best varieties don't last long. Finish off your order now and book some days off to put a shovel in the ground this spring.

  • Send thank-yous or gifts to neighbors, permission or lease property owners to preserve relationships for the future.

  • Reserve your date for off-season consulting, designs or other services for 2024-2025. Call us today!

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Professional whitetail habitat specialists.

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