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7 Best Practices for Permanent Deer Blinds

Writer: Sam BilhornSam Bilhorn


Nine out of ten hunting blinds we see on client properties are set out in the open of a large rectangular food plot. This isn't a wonder based on what we see on hunting shows, but that doesn't work on most properties as it is impossible to get in or out without the deer seeing you, and there is no flow or strategy to how deer to move from the woods and through the plot. Want to make sure your hunting blinds setups make you confident and provide hunting opportunities for both archery hunting and rifle or shotgun that are repeatable all season long? Check these boxes this year and you'll be in good shape this fall...

open field hunting blind

Screen It In

screened in bow hunting blind

One of the first considerations when installing deer blinds is ensuring it offers the necessary cover and concealment. Whether it be box blinds or a unique shaped blind, they are unnatural to the woods and stick out.

A blind must have cover to blend in with its surroundings. This can be accomplished by using existing trees or by planting ground cover such as switchgrass and plot screen or conifers for the long term. Also, simply brushing it in with natural materials can make a significant difference.

Plan Secure Access

secure access gun hunting blind

Accessibility is often underestimated when it comes to hunting blinds. A hunters approach should be from a perpendicular direction (in general) from the food plot and other deer areas such as bedding.

A permanent or annual screen should be used to provide this covered access, often working together with the screening of the blind from the plot.

Proper Height

proper height hunting blind

The lower, the better. Be sure to ask yourself, "Why do I need to elevate this blind?" In general 4-6' is needed to work with switchgrass cover, but sometimes the floor of the blind can be on the ground.

There are only a few circumstances for hunters that call for blinds to be 10' or more in the air. One of the common reason would be in areas with steep elevation that make it hard for a hunter to see into a desired area. When increasing the height of your deer blinds, you may have to purchase extra accessories in order for your operation to fit your needs.

Focal Points

focal point blind setup covering blind spots

When it comes to placement of box blinds, consider the focal points of your hunting area. These could be mock scrapes, soft mast trees, and social pinch-points within the plots are all on our list to make sure bow opportunities are within range.

Most stock blinds come with a pre built window set. If you find your property being in a more unique situation, it may be worth ethe extra money to contact the company and see if it is possible to make some changes to the layout and possibly add in extra accessories.

Seclusion Plots

seclusion plot hunting blind

Create seclusion plots, which are distant, small plots or segmented pockets within your main plot and desired ranges around your hunting blind.

These small food plots planted with the right food source can lure deer closer to your hunting location. Properly managed seclusion plots can be the difference between a successful hunt and a missed opportunity.

Quiet and Safe

Check over the hardware and safety rails, and be sure every blind has a carbon monoxide detector with new batteries. Take it a step further and build some side window screens to block the view of your door opening.

It is always worth it to make safety a priority regardless if you are out in the cold, wet wind, rain, or snow or tucked away in your blind.

It may also be worth it to invest into a lock for the door to prevent unwanted critters from entering the blinds when you aren't around. A raccoon is the last thing you want to discover when you are getting settled in for a hunt.

Invest in High Quality Hunting Blinds

high quality hunting blinds

To maximize the effectiveness of your permanent deer blind, invest in high quality hunting blinds. Permanent blinds come in various shapes and sizes, but a well-constructed, durable blind will withstand the elements and serve you for years. Make sure to shop around and find the blinds that fit your hunt style and the needs of your property.

Many companies make their products in the USA and will offer your an extended or even lifetime warranty for your blinds. While these blinds may come with higher prices, the extra room and high quality product may make it worth your time to make a bigger investment.


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